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Stress & Translation lab
Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM)
J. J. Berlanga, M. A. Rodriguez-Gabriel and I. Ventoso are members of the Department of Molecular Biology at the School of Sciences (UAM). The are involved in graduate and undergraduate teaching.
Undergraduate teaching:
Fundamentos de Bioquímica
Introducción a la Microbiología
Bioquímica Experimental I & II
Bioquímica Experimental Avanzada II
Master in Biomolecules and Cell dynamics
Master in Virology (UCM)
Ph.D Thesis supervised:
Marina Portantier 2013
Javier del Pino García 2012
Ruth Martín Martín 2012
Ana Maria Matia González 2011
Jael Sotelo Alvarez 2010
René Toribio López 2010
Isabela Alonso González 2009
Damariz Rivero Guédez 2006
Raquel Blanco Fuentes 2005
Celia Belén Perales Vieko 2002
Saturnino Herrera de Vega 2000
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